Is Trace and Access Cover Worth It?

When you’re thinking about taking out a new home insurance policy (or renewing your existing one), one of the decisions you’ll need to make is whether to include Trace and Access cover. In this article we do a quick refresh on what Trace and Access is and why you might want to include cover in your home insurance policy.

Hold Up, What Exactly is Trace and Access Cover Again?

Trace and Access cover is included in many home insurance policies. It covers the cost of locating and exposing a water leak. For example, say you suspect that you have a water leak, but you aren’t sure where the source of the leak is. With Trace and Access on your policy you’d be covered to employ a Trace and Access specialist, who’d be able to locate the source of the leak and make it accessible for repair.

It’s important to note that Trace and Access does not cover the cost to repair the leak. This is often (but not always) excluded from most policies, meaning you can’t claim for that. Nor does Trace and Access cover the cost to repair the damage caused by the water leak. In most cases your insurer would class that as an ‘escape of water’ claim that would be covered by a separate clause in your policy.

So, Is Trace and Access Worth It?

With the exclusions above you might be wondering if paying slightly more for Trace and Access cover is worth it. Perhaps you take the chance to save a little money, pay for a specialist when you have a water leak, or locate the leak yourself?

Before you make your decision, it’s worth noting the following:

Trace and Access Typically Costs Several Hundred Pounds

Most Trace and Access companies usually charge between £400 and £600 (plus VAT). This is quite a substantial amount that you won’t be able to claim back from your insurer if you haven’t got Trace and Access included in your policy.

Often, You’ll Need a Specialist

Water leaks are not always easy to find. Often, they can be hidden away inside wall cavities, underneath flooring, or behind layers of other hard surfaces. Trace and Access companies will employ a range of specialist equipment to accurately pinpoint the source of a water leak, meaning the damage caused to your home in finding the leak is minimised. Non specialists (e.g., general tradespeople) often won’t have access to such specialist equipment or a wealth of experience in the area.

Accessing a Water Leak Can Be Costly

Sometimes gaining access to a water leak is simple. It might be as straightforward as making a small hole in a wall. However, sometimes it’s not this simple. What if your water leak is underneath very expensive flooring, behind expensive kitchen units, or hiding within a high specification bathroom? There may be some excavation work needed to reach the water leak and this may cause collateral damage. Most policies with Trace and Access would cover this (within reason). But without Trace and Access you could be facing a very expensive bill on your own.

A Water Leak Could Be More Likely Than You Think

According to the Association of British Insurers, an average of over £1.8m per day is paid out in water leak insurance claims. Such claims account for around 20% of all household claims. Leaks are particularly prevalent in winter months as pipes freeze and potentially crack. In short, a water leak is a real possibility!

So, Should I Include Trace and Access Cover?

In most cases, adding Trace and Access cover to a policy does not cost a substantial amount. If this is the case, then our advice would be to include it. It might cost you a little extra, but the benefit and long-term saving to you could be substantial. Some insurers may include Trace and Access cover as standard and at no extra-charge. If this is the case, then this really is a ‘no-brainer’!

Related Reading

We hope that you have found this article useful. Be sure to take a look at the related articles below, which go into a little more depth around key topics:

Five Subtle Signs of a Water Leak in your Home

When we think about water leaks (and we appreciate these might not be the most exciting thoughts!), we often think about the more obvious signs of a water leak. For example, damp patches on the walls, damp flooring, sagging ceilings, or a visible escape of water.  But many water leaks are ‘sneakier’ and don’t produce such obvious symptoms. In this article we look at five less obvious signs of a water leak to watch out for.

A Recurring Drop in Boiler Pressure

Unless there’s a noticeable problem with our heating or hot water, it’s not often that we think to check our boiler pressure. But it’s worth doing from time to time. Whilst recurring drops in boiler or water pressure could be the result of other problems, they are often associated with a central heating leak.

Locating central heating leaks can be tricky as much of the system is hidden away behind walls and underneath floors. But there are non-invasive water leak detection techniques available, for example gas tracing that can accurately pinpoint the source of a central heating leak.

Unusually High-Water Bills

Even relatively small water leaks can have a noticeable effect on your water bill. A leak that drips every second soon adds up to a substantial amount of water. If your water bills have peaked and you’re not sure why, consider turning off all appliances and seeing if your meter continues to tick over. If it does, there’s a fair chance you have a water leak.

Musty Smells and Odours

Over time water causes mould and mildew to form on surfaces, but these surfaces may be hidden away and go unnoticed. Instead, what you may notice is a damp or musty smell in certain rooms. If this persists then it’s well worth further investigation as mould and mildew can pose a health hazard to those within your home.

Warped Wallpaper

Whilst our finely decorated walls won’t look brand new forever, localised warping of wallpaper or discolouration of paint can indicate damp in the underlying wall. This could be a sign of a substantial water leak as it means that water has been absorbed by the wall to the point of saturation and is now spreading to the layer above. Again, there are non-invasive detection methods, such as thermal imaging that can quickly and accurately locate the source of such water leaks.

Unusual Noises

When our central heating, appliances or bathrooms are in use then we might expect a little noise from our water systems. But strange, unexpected noises, particularly when your system isn’t in use are a cause for concern. This can be a sign of corroded pipes or fittings that aren’t secure. It’s best to investigate these quickly as you might be able to catch them before major damage is done.

Our Best Advice

Act quickly! It’s obviously tempting to postpone investigating a potential water leak, particularly if you can’t see any obvious symptoms. But just because the symptoms aren’t obvious, does not mean the water leak is not there. Water leaks (particularly hidden ones) can cause a lot more damage than you might assume, and this can happen quickly. If you do have a water leak and subsequently make an insurance claim, then you will need to demonstrate that you acted quickly to avoid your claim being queried or refused.

Related reading:

We hope that you have found this article useful. Be sure to take a look at the related articles below, which go into a little more depth around key topics:



Why might a Trace and Access claim be refused?

Whilst most Trace and Access claims proceed smoothly, sometimes claims may be scrutinised or refused by insurers. Without becoming an insurance policy expert, it can be difficult to know what you’re entitled to claim for and what may be legitimately rejected. In this article we take a brief look at some of the common reasons behind the refusal of a Trace and Access claim.

Before we get started, it’s important to note that every insurance policy is different and there is no all-encompassing ‘rule-of-thumb’ that can be applied. With that said, this article should hopefully point you in the right direction, so that you can ask the right questions and get back to doing more ‘fun’ things as quickly as possible!

Escape of Water vs Ingress of Water

One of the key things to understand about water damage related insurance claims is the difference between an ‘escape of water’ and an ‘ingress of water’. These two key terms are often mistakenly understood to mean broadly the same thing, when in fact they are distinctly different.

An ‘escape of water’ refers to water escaping from a closed system, for example a central heating system. It is the classic ‘water pipe leak’ scenario. Some insurance polices will attach Trace and Access to escape of water cover, meaning that an escape of water needs to have taken place for Trace and Access costs to be covered.

On the other side, an ‘ingress’ of water usually refers to water coming in from the outside. It may be coming in through a window, door, or roof. This is distinctly different from an escape of water, and thus some insurers (depending upon the policy) may query or refuse related Trace and Access claims.

A grey area can be found when water leaking from a system outside of your home subsequently runs into your home. For example, you may have a leaking pipe in your garden or driveway which then causes water to enter your home. Such cases may be more complicated but can result in multiple insurance claims, one for an escape of water and one for an ingress of water.

An Insurable Event Must Have Occurred

Another common reason for the refusal of a Trace and Access claim is that an ‘insurable event’ has not occurred. Translated into plain English, this means that you can’t claim for something that either hasn’t happened, or that you’re not insured for.

The most likely example is that you suspect a water leak, but Trace and Access determines that there is no water leak. In some cases, you will not be covered for Trace and Access costs as there was no water leak to find (no insurable event has taken place).

Water Damage Must Have Occurred

It has been known for Trace and Access claims to be rejected on the basis that no water damage has occurred. Whilst this argument has been known, it has also often been successfully challenged. There are very few cases where a water leak does not cause some damage. From the discolouration of walls, ceilings, and furnishings, to hidden damage that might not be immediately obvious.

The key here is to do a thorough examination of both the source of the water leak and where that water subsequently travelled, documenting it with clear photographs and report. With this evidence to hand, this argument can often be successfully challenged.

Related Reading

We hope you found this article useful. For some more in-depth explanations around the key topics mentioned in this article, be sure to read: